Member Information

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Wisconsin Association of Historic Preservation Commissions

Members-Only Website Pages Terms of Use

Membership in WAHPC entitles each individual, commission member, and municipal staff access to a members-only area on the WAHPC website. This area of the website includes archived newsletters and a discussion forum to ask questions and connect with other WAHPC members

General Information:

  • • Members will receive a password to log in to the members-only area of the website.
  • • Once a member agrees to the guidelines for the group, they can post to the discussion forum and access the archived newsletters.
  • • To access the discussion forum there are two links. One is to view any posted topics and the other allows you a quick and easy option to create a new topic for posting.
  • • Newsletters can be found using the Newsletter link. Newsletter archives will be added as they are digitized.
  • • When new items are posted in the discussion forum, members of the forum will get an email alerting them to new activity.
  • • Members may unsubscribe from the discussion forum at any time by sending an email to [email protected]


To keep the group professionally useful, group members are expected to adhere to the guidelines contained herein. WAHPC members who do not follow the guidelines may have their group privileges suspended.

  • • Members are encouraged to suggest preservation-related topics for discussion.
  • • Members are encouraged to share their community’s success stories.
  • • Members may ask how others have handled specific preservation challenges.
  • • Members may ask for assistance to locate a specific resource.
  • • Members may not post promotional materials or advertising, although persons may recommend or endorse consultants, other preservation professionals, or materials based on past experience.
  • • Members may post job announcements, requests for proposals, calls for papers, grant opportunities, etc.
  • • Members should not post articles from newspapers, magazines, or journals. Instead, members should provide links to websites where such material may be read. WAHPC reserves the right to reject any post to the group that contains articles or copyrighted materials.
  • • WAHPC board members are posting as individuals and not as representatives of WAHPC.
  • • The WAHPC administrator may revoke a participant’s subscription for violations of the discussion forum’s rules or abuse of the group.


  • • Discussions should be kept focused on the topic at hand.
  • • Include your full name and location/commission on any post, so other members can know who sent the message.
  • • Be sure to include a topic in each posting.
  • • Maintain professionalism and respect when responding to members of the group.
  • • Posted messages may reach persons other than the intended audience. Compose them with care and discretion.

WAHPC Discussion Forum as a Research Tool:

WAHPC encourages research initiatives and will allow surveys and other research requests to be posted on the WAHPC Discussion Forum under the following conditions:

  • • The organization or institution of higher learning is clearly identified.
  • • The survey or research request is prefaced by a clear explanation of the intent of the research and the anticipated product.
  • • The topic clearly relates to historic districts and/or commissions/staff.
  • • The research-related posting has been approved by the WAHPC Board.
  • • The posting includes a disclaimer that it is forwarded as a courtesy and does not imply WAHPC endorsement or support.
  • • The person/organization using the WAHPC discussion forum to facilitate their research is a member of WAHPC.